Second Excerpt from My Mental Health Memoir: “Gray Poopon”.

Here is a small excerpt from my first book, “Gray Poopon”, which is the first volume of my series, “Conquering the Gifted Curse of Bipolarism”. This is a real-time memoir of the changes that I go through with prescription medication to aid my Bipolar 1 Disorder. This is a documentation of slowly discovering powerful interior and exterior changes while taking medication. This is extremely personal information where I provide brutal honesty regarding my fears, current life adversity, self-betterment, and the quest to finding balance.

CS Lewis says in his preface of his novella, The Great Divorce, “ I do not think that all who choose wrong roads perish; but their rescue consists in being put back on the right road. A sum can be put right: but only by going back till you find the error and working it afresh from that point, never by simply going on.”

Then Lewis goes on to say, “Evil can be undone, but it cannot ‘develop’ into good. Time does not heal it”. If I’ve done something wrong it cannot be fixed because time has passed, I have to fix it myself. If I want to be a better person then I have to go down the right road to greatness. Last, if I were to go down the wrong road, I would have to go back and fix it. Two steps forward, one step backwards would apply to that. This is why heaven and hell can never be married; they are different essences. Heaven and hell in my case would be mania and depression, but in this case it can be married and it is called equilibrium. But, I want to call it “Phi”, the golden spiral, which correlates to how symmetrical balance is perceived to be life’s beauty because it is beautiful to those who view its balance.

CS Lewis wants us to know that life is full of choices and once we make those choices, we cannot go back because of the constraints of time. I cannot give up on my journey of my medication and using it to aid my self-betterment. This is because once we take a path and make a decision we shouldn’t give up and go back to take the other path again. This applies to me because I need to stay strong to my self-discipline, perseverance, and commitment. The theme in this novel is that Lewis wants us to understand the ideas of salvation through the metaphors of heaven versus hell.

The bottom line is that I am happy about this slow transformation and I am not used to feeling healthy like this at all. With this Gray Poopon regiment, at my dosage level I am starting to see the light of salvation, but that light at the end of the tunnel is very far away.

When I gave up on medication before, I sunk into a major dark spot in my life because I realized what I was capable of. Knowing that you are bipolar or any mental health disorder changes everything for you if you’re are conscious of it. Some people have no control of their self-aware consciousness about it because they mentally cannot. If we can be capable of this then I truly believe that is the first step in the right direction. The next step would be the acceptance of it.

But my determination kicked in when I was diagnosed, and I became hell bent on getting better because I knew that in order for me to fight this beast, I had to relearn how to do practically everything. From talking to people, eating out, handling myself in public to getting into a healthy routine. Everything had to be relearned.

54 This is my second renaissance phase. Right now, I have to relearn everything all over again because feeling centered is so foreign to me.

Good thing that this Grey Poopon (Lamictal) doesn’t make me want to kill myself. Most importantly, I am happy that I have not consumed alcohol for 22 days now and this has helped me rediscover myself.

Handling relationships, social situations, routines, work ethic; the whole nine yards are all in the process of being relearned.

“You’re like Chinese food, Lo mein. I get on up like a soul train. Down low like a U-boat. My voice is so sweet like a canary song. Open your book it is time for a read along. I feel fresh like a jar of Grey Poupon. Just got a haircut, can finally scratch my neutrons. Beat you at Nintendo 64, Tron. That’s right I’m the Bozzy Bentley running marathons.”

Want to read more?

If you would like to purchase a copy of my book on Amazon, here is the link to get your paperback copy.

Also, if you prefer the Kindle version, here is the link to purchase your ebook. 

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“The Zos Knows”

-David Zosel 

If you want to support my writing and for me to be able to create more content you can make a donation to either of these links:

Venmo or Patreon

Stop This $#@!% Do Different This Week!

Are you tired of the same old shit? Doesn’t waking up, going to work, and all that jazz stir up the monotony of your life? Ninety-nine percent of us lead pretty repetitive lives to some consistent extent.

We see and talk to the same people. We go to work at the same time and place. We go to the same bars. We live in the same house. This list can ensue, but this is what insanity is.

A lot of us are photosynthesizing, and watching paint dry on the wall right now.

So, let’s not do the same thing and get the same result. But, if you’re insane then you would be trying to do the same thing in order to get a different result. That is what insanity is presented to us in a society based on that idiom or metaphor type statement. The best example that I can think of is the life of work, where we clock in and do our work and then we get our paychecks. But, we think that after working hard for so long that we will get a promotion or that it will lead to another opportunity.



Black Panther is the first film that is different from anything that we have seen. Go see it and find out.


But, wouldn’t it be a little crazy to do different things in order to achieve different results? To be honest, we all want different results but we all do the same thing over and over again, obtaining the same reward, like a paycheck.

The people who succeed in environments like this are ones who think and do things differently, and that is why they get different results rather than just a simple paycheck. Yes, we are all insane if we are monotonous.

That stuff gets old.

From a personal standpoint, I don’t do anything the same. This is why my life is fascinating, not to brag. People always tell me that I always have the craziest stories, encounters, and events in my life. This is because I do things, think, and act differently.

But, the problem that I am having now is that my life is becoming more monotonous and it is driving me insane. How do people deal with this? Is this a brainwashing trap that people walk into?

Stop drinking alcohol this week. Eat a different cuisine. Hangout with someone old or new. Go on a date. Take a chance. Wake up at five in the morning. Go to the movie theatre. Try to do one new thing a day that is for yourself and that is out of the ordinary, whether it is in work life or in your personal life. Who cares, dare to be different for five fucking seconds of your life.

Going out of your comfort zone is refreshing and it gives your life perspective. I always tell people that sometimes if you try something new, life will reward you. For me, this is true.

So let’s be young, say yes, and be crass enough to step over the line and make serendipitous mistakes that we may or may not learn from. Taking chances by stepping outside will provide a beautiful energy to give us that boost that we need in the war of mankind versus monotony.

I want to call an old friend that I haven’t spoken to in 10 years this week and see what he or she is up to. For it is absolutely magnificent to see how others are doing. Personally, I have never eaten Indian food before, maybe I will go do that. Black Panther seems like a cool film, and I have never seen a movie in a theater by myself before.

So why not?

Life is too long to just dance to one tune, so let’s change the channel on the radio scanning the sun from the moon.

Remember, “The Zos Knows”. 

-David Zosel

If you want to support my writing and for me to be able to create more content you can make a donation to either of these links:

Venmo or Patreon

My Application Answers for Advertising School.

As I was filling out my application for a year-long fast-track program to begin a career in advertising, I realized what I was writing was very true and real about my ambitions, adversity, and the next phase of my life. I thought it would be appropriate to share this with everyone as I only write about what is real about how I feel. Here are my responses to the four questions on this application. The name of the school will be changed and the names of the people that I refer to will be changed with an alias. 

1. What interests you about the program that you are applying for?

I am applying for the copywriting program at ADVERTSCHOOL to become a writer for an agency.

First and foremost, I am initially excited about going back to school to be surrounded by like-minded people who are willing to learn the same skill sets as me. The most vital part of this notion is that we all will be fresh pieces of clay that will be molded into achieving the same end goal. Another interest that I have is that I will be learning about the creative process that this program will teach me. I am a naturally creative person, but there is always room to improve and to grow as a creative. I am very excited about the fact that I will have a vast knowledge of the advertising industry before going into my first job. Most importantly, I am ready to learn, be humbled, and learn from my mistakes as a writer. I have never been able to take direction creatively before in my writing academic career. This is because learning came easy to me and I took it for granted, but after proctoring two classes at ADVERTSCHOOL and knowing that it can help me pursue a career that I want to break into, I realized that I want to make the most of this opportunity to be the best writer at this point in the learning stages of my career. I am ready to fail as a writer so that I can learn in order to develop into one of the best writers in advertising once I hit my early 30’s.

2. Choose an advertising campaign, design piece, or website that you like. It should be one which applies to your area of interest. Briefly describe or send copies of your choice and explain why you like it.

Right now, I really like the Bud Light advertising campaigns because, despite all of the humor, I interpret it as that back in medieval times that even paupers, peasants, and even Kings would glorify Bud Light just like in the present day. This is brilliant because it is hitting a major demographic that is very widespread due to the Game of Thrones craze that has been perpetually catching interests of different sects of the population for the last seven years due to the HBO series. With that, a lot of people also like to romanticise about living during this period of history. For me this is genius. I personally do not like Bud Light because I prefer Coors Light or Mich-Golden Light. But the phrase “Dilly Dilly”, has resonated with me because it is very simple and only a mear two words that now has hit a sensory signature within the brains of many consumers all over the country, especially the ones who are obsessed with Game of Thrones. The commercials are like a mini television series that are told in 30-second specs, in which keeps the consumer waiting in anticipation to learn more about the story. I may be right or wrong but I do not think there has to be anything like this in advertising before that uses comedy or basically in general. Like a sitcom, I am going to label this as a “Com-Com”, a comedic commercial series. Now if you go to their website, they use simplicity and sensory signatures in a brochure like fashion to draw you in not only to admire the commercials but to set a sort of propaganda to purchase Bud Light. The key to this is the design of placement that blends words with pictures, and videos from the commercials. Every time you hover your mouse over the words such as, “Friends you can count on”, it inverts from the blue font with a white background to vice versa. This to me shows the blue color that Bud Light is all about. Every phrase on the front page is written between 6-9 words and it grabs your attention. As a writer, this is hard for me to do. I want to learn more about this process to create ad campaigns similar to this one. Last, the smaller subtext does the same thing in less than 20 words. This is an effective strategy that uses the catchphrases that are 9 words or less to transition to the more informational text that they give you about their brand. Everything is beautifully placed and it tells a story.


3. Choose an advertising campaign, design piece, or website that you dislike. It should be one which applies to your area of interest. Briefly describe or send copies of your choice and explain why you dislike it.

When I think of State Farm, I do not think about insurance because I think about those dumb commercials with Aaron Rodgers and Clay Mathews. As a Viking’s fan, I despise these people. But, when you go to their website they are nowhere to be found. This destroys all of the sensory signatures in our brains about what represents this service that they are providing. We see images of couples, families, and people of a wide demographic from all walks of life. As neat as this is, the more you scroll down the front page, there is more and more literature that I personally do not want to read. Like most consumers who view ads and websites, I have a short attention span because we live in a modern world in which we are constantly being sold to. At a certain point, everything is written in 30 words or less, versus 20 words or less on the Bud Light website. The front page needs to be a brochure that is used as a launching pad for consumers to commit and purchase this service. If State Farm wanted to promote to all of these different demographics of people used on their website then they should have created a commercial campaign that is not geared towards football fans. So, when admirers of Aaron Rodgers go to the website to see more of him, they will be thoroughly disappointed rather than interested in their services. I may be 100 percent wrong. But I stand strong by this because of their misleading campaign. Due to their misdirection, and the words on the front page on this site, it cannot add to the campaign to make it more effective just like the Bud Light website did.


4. Why do you want to come to ADVERTSCHOOL?

I want to attend ADVERTSCHOOL to develop my writing skills to work in a field that uses my best skillset. Admissions Guy told me that people come to the school with a lot of determination to get their lives started. He told me that people who go to ADVERTSCHOOL are sick of their jobs at banks, bars, and law firms or etc. This is because they want to work in a creative industry with like-minded people to do something that they love. I also have been speaking with Mr. Portfolio and many other people who have worked in the industry who have highly spoken about the school saying that they get their best employees from this program, and I really want to be one of those products of this environment. They also emphasized the great selling point of how you will get a job coming out of the program. I am tired of working as a bartender and getting rejected after numerous job interviews for positions that I have no interest in. When I spoke to Ed on the phone, he told me that the school has many resources for networking, job search and even job placement all over the country. As much as I feel honor and pride in being a General Manager/Bartender for my family’s restaurant, I want to get my life going in a job that I want to work my hardest in to excel. Working at a restaurant is something that I do not want to do for the rest of my life, it is being a writer is why I want to pursue a successful career in the creative industry.

I wanted to share this with my readers because when I wrote this application, I realized that this was a true part of who I am and where I want to go. We should all think about the Latin phrase, Quo Vadis, in which means “Where are you going?” For right now, I’m facing the horizon everywhere I go, and the horizon is my home. 


Remember, “The Zos Knows”. 

-David Zosel

If you want to support my writing and for me to be able to create more content you can make a donation to either of these links:

Venmo or Patreon

Be More Kind.

Mankind seems to have this addiction for hatred, violence, destruction, tragedy and the rest of the overpour from Pandora’s box. As of now, history has been shooting at us over and over again, repeating itself at a perpetually faster rate and we have no one to blame but ourselves. The media Philistines in today’s world seem to only highlight the dismaying disgust to get ratings, and by doing so it creates a huge ripple effect, influencing people of all ages. Monkey see, turn into a Gorilla and do. The worst part of this is that we glorify these terrible actions not only through the media but in film, literature, music, and every other medium. But, no one glorifies or takes the time of this simple and small of being more kind.

Clive James, who is fighting terminal cancer is a famous Australian writer that wrote in his poem, Lecons Des Tenebres, “I should have been more kind. It is my fate to find this out, but find it out too late.”

Look at any painting that was designed by an unknown local artist, and it is almost easier to say how bad that this specific painting is while sounding intelligent. It is nearly five times harder to say something constructively intelligent that compliments the painting in a very knowledgeable fashion. Why? Well, because it is easier to hate something or someone than to love. Mankind is now living in a world that is losing its mind, so this is why we should stop and be more kind.


If we did, then the ludicrousness that we see every day would be saner. But, we need to start now because our actions flow from the ones who watch us, which are the very impressionable children.

It seems like everyone everywhere is raising walls or tearing them down right now because it is easier to protect and destroy than to be cordial, inviting, and compassionate for others. We shouldn’t be building or destroying walls because we should be building skyways, doors, and bridges to welcome the idea of developing our own humanity’s connection, in a rapidly connecting world.

If terror has grown at an insurmountable rate since The Great War (WWI), then why hasn’t our altruistic affection for aiding humanity developed? Sure, it has developed to a minor degree, but not on a smaller personal level between people in everyday life, which would majorly impact the grand macro scale. For example (roll with this), it is much easier for an actor in a Hollywood movie to play a vicious vindictive villainous role than to play the wholesome protagonistic hero.

We should remember the acronym BAGG, “Be a good guy (girl)”. This should all be engrained in our minds, as we should try to be more kind because we are all actors in this movie that we call “Life”, and it is much harder to win an Oscar playing the good guy.

“God damn it, you’ve got to be kind,” wrote author Kurt Vonnegut.

Imagine if the media Philistines changed their approach on what they covered and how they spun stories and focused on the good, rather than the bad and the ugly. The influence of children would change dramatically and their future actions would be different, possibly leading to greater things. Hence, why we need to be more thoughtful to children. Moreover, children need to be more sympathetic to one another as well, and teachers have to pay more attention to help guide them to be better humans. Moreover, children need to be more kind to one another as well, and teachers have to pay more attention to help guide them to be better humans. We need to stop yelling, hitting, abandoning, and raising children in toxic environments that expose them to such terrors of the world. This right here, along with the media gives greater power to the future actions than we think. But if we are more thoughtful, we can ensure the type of confidence that the world will be in good hands after our generation leaves it.

Does anybody know what is going on anymore? Everyone is trying to fix things with hammers and drill bits in their hands, and we can’t do that anymore. What we need to do is to grow the idea of positive affirmation for one another. Put those hammers down, stop building these walls, and or destroying them whether if it is a micro or macro circumstance.

At the end of author Aldous Huxley’s life, he said: “It’s a little embarrassing that after 45 years of research and study, the best advice I can give people is to be a little kinder to each other.”

Kindness is easier than we think it is. You wouldn’t be mean to a child, right? Yet, as adults we still are. So, let’s be better for our future because when children grow older, their future selves are a huge reflection of what our present actions are.

How would you feel if something that you said to a teenager influenced them to drop out of school, or lead to them down the wrong path? Think about what your actions may cause towards someone and then in the future you find out that what you may have exposed someone to turned out to detriment their life.

I try to think about this notion every day, as the best I can. The wiser and older that I become, with more experiences, seeing, reading and writing that I have done, it has become more of a realization to me that more kindness is the only thing that comes out in the wash at the end of the human lifespan.

Now is time to take action. With our words, we can give three compliments a day to three different people. With our actions, we can make one small gesture of grand kindness. We can always take the time to help one person in need every day. If you can do those five little acts of kindness every day, then it can be a contagious virus that can slowly destroy all of the hatred in the world. We can prevent future tragedies and mishaps by starting with ourselves, spreading graciousness to the people within our own circles.

Right now the world is losing its mind and the only way that we can stop this is to become sane is to be more kind.

Remember, “The Zos Knows”. 

-David Zosel

If you want to support my writing and for me to be able to create more content you can make a donation to either of these links:

Venmo or Patreon

What We Fail to Realize about Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s day, another American holiday that provides a lot of depression for many due to the romantic isolation of companionship. There is a lot of pressure for this holiday because of that possible void in our lives. There are numerous people who shrivel up and crawl into their empty homes and wallow alone on this very day, feeling left out on all of the romance in the air. But as we sit, talk, and listen to our shacked up friends exclaim their excitement about their plans for the holiday of romance, one can only feel somewhat a bit of lonesomeness in their heart. But, what we fail to realize is that Valentine’s Day is not about romance, it is about love.

Romance is just a nice subsidiary of how we are supposed to celebrate this holiday, and it has taken over the spotlight from love over the years through the consumeristic culture that we live in. As we dine, perform grand gestures, write love letters, sing songs and slowly kiss our loved ones under the stars, single people all over the world forget to celebrate love. Romance is for couples, and love is for everyone.


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Aphrodite, The Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty. 


The greatest example of this is grade school. Do you remember when your third-grade teacher had your whole class make Valentine’s cards, or have Valentine’s Day card and candy exchange? As children, the lesson that we forget in this is that we are spreading love to one another, not romance.

Someone once spoke about a remarkable woman, who battled various illnesses, cancers, and terrible health conditions for over 40 years. Due to her health, she had no time to pursue any romances, but she still had the time to spread love to everyone that was in her life. When she passed away after a life filled with horrific health, hundreds of people showed up to her funeral because she offered so much love to everyone who entered her life. This woman’s life is the epitome of what Valentine’s Day is actually about. If she could devote her entire life to spreading love and joy, then we should start to think differently about Valentine’s Day.

Everyone has the power of love to spread in this world.

Despite the first dates, frantic searches for a Valentine, witnessing proposals, and seeing roses pointed in the noses of loved ones everywhere, Valentines Day is a day to spread and give love to others.

Call your family members and tell them that you love them, or let your friends know how much that you appreciate them. Use Valentine’s Day as a reminder to think about who loves you in this world. The holiday does not always have to be about stupid arrows flying around that impales romance to the victim. Maybe those arrows should strike the appreciation for love to all kinds of people in all of our hearts.

If you do not have a romance in your life, remember to spread the love on Valentine’s Day to the people who matter in your life.

One of life’s biggest tragedies is that perhaps human beings get so much enthusiasm, energy, and ire from hate. This is why we need to be reminded that a purpose of humanity is to love whoever is around to be loved.

Remember, “The Zos Knows”. 

-David Zosel

If you want to support my writing and for me to be able to create more content you can make a donation to either of these links:

Venmo or Patreon

Weighted Blankets are Life Changing.

When I saw my Mother yesterday, I shouted, “Mom! I can sleep! I can finally sleep!”

My Mother has always been worried about my sleeping habits, and she was ever so happy that I finally found a solution to this ongoing problem that I have had since I was 10.

What is that solution? Well, it is a blanket that has weight in it. Yes, that would be a weighted blanket.



I figure that this picture would be a lot better than a photo of me sleeping.


Ever since I was a kid, I started to develop insomniac tendencies. I have been known to be able to go for days without sleeping. The fact that I can have one to two hours of sleep a night and then crush a full day is still bonkers to me. Being an insomniac isn’t cool because the lack of sleep seriously affects everything in your life that spans from mental to physical health.

For years I have tried everything under the sun, from pills, tea, reading, ambient sounds, audiobooks, and on so forth. So, who would have thought that a blanket with some beads in it would do the trick? Yes, a weighted blanket has solved all of my problems with insomnia.

A weighted blanket eliminates tossing and turning, leg shaking, and provides the comfort of being held. This induces a deeper and longer sleep because the weighted blanket simulates the idea of being held like a baby in a mother’s arms. This makes total sense because when we are born, we are held by our mother and cradled until we stop crying and fall asleep. Once we leave the arms of our mother as infants, we are wrapped up like a burrito and put in a crib.

If I am not mistaken, babies can cry in the middle of the night, correct? Whether it is because of a diaper needs to be changed or if the blanket becomes undone, Mom needs to be there to hold and comfort the baby so he or she can fall asleep again.

Weighted therapeutic blankets increase the serotonin and melatonin levels because of the deep pressure touch stimulation that it provides. This is otherwise known as “swaddling”. The magic formula for sleep that most people do not know is that you need to increase the levels of melatonin and serotonin while decreasing the levels of cortisol in your brain. Simply put, a weighted blanket is designed to do those three things for your sleeping habits. Due to this formula, this product benefits an array of post-sleep issues that most people struggle with.

The matter is that it administers comfort and relief that assuages disorders like anxiety, depression, restless leg syndrome, ADHD, and panic attacks.

Personally, I suffer from a lot of panic attacks and within the first week of using a weighted blanket, for the first time in my life I have not woken up in a panic attack. Do you know what that is like waking up with a panic attack every day of your life? It teaches you resilience because that is no positive way to start your day. Why do I wake up with panic attacks? Well, when you can’t ever sleep like me, it causes myself to wake up with a ton of stressful thoughts in my head due to the lack of slumbering.

The feeling of being securely hugged provides a grounding comfort, security, and safety that we all psychologically need so that when we wake up we feel energized, refreshed, and replenished.

Waking up without panic attacks has changed my entire life because of a blanket that provides deep pressure touch, which enables my body to finally relax. My days are so much better now, I can’t even begin to describe it. The fact that I can finally sleep has changed my life and it only has been less than seven days of using this type of blanket.

Mom, I can finally sleep. I am so damn happy! You do not need to worry about me sleeping anymore!

Remember, “The Zos Knows”. 

-David Zosel

If you want to support my writing and for me to be able to create more content you can make a donation to either of these links:

Venmo or Patreon

The Robot Vs​. The Dancer.

There are thinkers and feelers, and if we can balance both then we can be unstoppable. Thinkers can crack under pressure when systems go awry causing failure, and so do feelers when variables hit speed bumps and when the routine doesn’t become so routine before.

Imagine a ballet dancer who is world renown, who has danced in Carnegie Hall or some fancy New York City-high tie venue for the past 5 years. She suddenly breaks her ankle during the show. A robot wouldn’t break an ankle. The robot would be perfect. But, the robot makes the spectacle look like an instructional video rather than being a display of prowess and beauty. But, the robot can still malfunction. After watching Super Bowl 52, I began to realize that there are many robotic quarterbacks in the league, and there are many dancers in the league. But the ones who are a hybrid are unstoppable.


Tom Brady, the epitome of success, is a robot. His AFC adversary, Ben Roethlisberger, is a dancer. When Brady dropped that pass it showed us that robots cannot finesse. That is why machines throw to the wide receivers who mirror what a dancer does, which is putting on a spectacle on a grand stage. Brady is well regimented, strategic, and fundamental which shows that he is well engineered. But, when there isn’t enough grease, or if a part malfunctions, then he is broken. Now, let’s look at Cam Newton, a feeler, a hip-hop break dancer who plays quarterback. When he is not feeling it, he is mediocre at best. But, when his rhythm is flowing then he is impossible to stop.

If we can be technical and creative, then we can be unstoppable. This is the ultimate challenge because most people can be one or the other. It is important to acknowledge the notion of balance between using your right and left brain.
Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers, and Russell Wilson all have that intangible of the perfect balance of precision and creativity. When they play with that perfect yin and yang then they are nearly unbeatable.

Be an engineer, be a dancer, be balanced, and become unstoppable.

Now, moving away from the quarterback metaphors, let’s get back to earth.



The Hybrid, The Dancer, and The Robot. 


A robot wakes up and has a regimented routine on how he or she prepares for work. Hit the alarm, get out of bed, shower, make breakfast, puts on clothes and then leaves for work. This is quite the contrary for the dancer. There is no rhyme or reason to the dancer’s madness. The dancer could skip breakfast, shower, or may never get out of bed until noon. He or she may take more time eating breakfast, or sing November Rain in the shower. Who knows!

But, the dancer flows from moment to moment. The dancer doesn’t get stressed but enjoys the intimate moments of making coffee rather than looking at it as another mundane chore. But, the hybrid can make the coffee with the right amount of grounds, the perfect water temperature, all while making eggs and bacon just the right way at the same time. Meanwhile, the hybrid can take a relaxing five-minute shower, while enjoying the ripples of warm water dropping gently on their skin. The hybrid can enjoy the moment and focus on the task at hand, which is a hard feat to master.

Live with routined regiments, and live with passion and flare. Row your boat gently down the river, if you row with the flow then you will arrive at your destination safely and on time. If you row too fast or slow then a part could malfunction or you will lose focus on the destination.

Luckily for the history of mankind, robots and dancers cannot live without one another. A robotic quarterback needs a receiver who can dance in order to succeed. Co-existence has lead to the progression of human civilization. Great literature, dynasties, empires, and enterprises have started with two people who mirror each other in the way that the robot and dancer do.


With an ever-changing world, we need to evolve into hybrids to adapt. Finding balance is the next step. Being tricky either way, it can be a path to success, but equilibrium is the key to being a force to be reckoned with.

Remember, “The Zos Knows”. 

-David Zosel

If you want to support my writing and for me to be able to create more content you can make a donation to either of these links:

Venmo or Patreon